Register your 7-PDF Printer license!

Please enter the license information as you want it to appear in the license. If you are registering a personal license you can leave the company name and tax number blank.

Fields marked with (*) are required.

That is to do:

  1. Please enter your license informations.

  2. Check your entered informations!

  3. To get your license-file (license.xml) then press "Continue..."

  4. Detailed instructions for installing the license file on your Windows system can be found here...

Registration infos

Important note: The number of named user licenses purchased from PayPro Global is stored in encrypted form in the license file. The number of physical licenses used later should therefore correspond to the number of licenses actually purchased so that the PDF printer always works properly! This encryption is intended to counteract unfair software piracy and effectively prevents overlooked under-licensing on your system(s). If you have purchased too few licenses, simply re-license and create a new license file with the license key you have purchased. The total number of licenses is determined with this new registration via PayPro Global Request and automatically stored in encrypted form. This process only affects individual and volume user licenses; corporate licenses are unaffected and otherwise protected from piracy.

(*) from PayPro Global!







(*) License sending!

(*) Repeat eMail!
